At ACAD’s fifty-ninth annual meeting held in January 1993, Bernard O’Kelly, then serving as its secretary-treasurer, delivered a speech entitled “Historical Remarks on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the American Conference of Academic Deans.” Of the organization’s founding, he noted: Creationists affirm that the Conference was created complete at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City on […]
Resources | The Role of the Dean
The Functions of the Academic Dean
This article was originally published in the Association of American Colleges Bulletin (May 1947, pp. 393-399). It is reprinted with the permission of the American Association of Colleges and Universities. The new deans of the American Conference of Academic Deans requested information concerning the functions of a dean. In accordance with this request, questionnaires on […]
An Introduction to John R. Silber’s “The Dean as Educator: His Doing and Undoing.”
UT Dean John Silber is Fired Looking like the announcement of a national calamity, this headline appeared in oversized font on the front page of the Austin American-Statesman on July 25, 1970. Just forty-four-years-old, Silber had served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin for less […]
The Dean as Educator: His Doing and Undoing
Dr. Silber also served as President and Chancellor (1971-2002), Boston University Address delivered on January 12, 1971, in Cincinnati, Ohio, for the General Session of the American Conference of Academic Deans. ACAD is deeply grateful to Dr. Silber’s family for their kind permission to republish their father’s speech in its entirety. When asked to speak […]