Crisis management was the daily theme for most higher education leaders throughout 2020.The first and most immediate crisis was caused by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and the urgent change to limit or completely restrict in-person activities on our campuses. These changes quickly led to dramatic decreases in income and increases in expenses that produced major […]
Resources | enrollment
Creating “Good Divisions”: Responding to Program Prioritization with New Vision
Many colleges and universities are seeking external support for holistic institutional review. Common issues such as budget shortfalls and/or fluctuating or low enrollments are often prompts for the process, which can last as long as a year. These reviews may lead to cuts in faculty, staff, programs, programming, operational budgets, and other areas. As academic […]
Leading Collaborative Change
This article explores case studies from two small, private institutions (one urban with undergraduate and graduate programs and the other rural undergraduate) about managing change to strategically optimize enrollment while building new programs and partnerships for a sustainable approach to a declining but more diverse student population, tuition dependency, shared governance, and long-term resiliency. Higher […]