Crisis management was the daily theme for most higher education leaders throughout 2020.The first and most immediate crisis was caused by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and the urgent change to limit or completely restrict in-person activities on our campuses. These changes quickly led to dramatic decreases in income and increases in expenses that produced major […]
Resources | COVID-19
Building Resilience in Students and Their Institutions
As the nation slowly finds its way through the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges are making plans to welcome their students back in person to campus. The impact of the significant disruption caused by the pandemic has been measured in many ways, including the negative effect on stress on student success and the financial losses experienced by […]
Supporting Faculty Self-Care: An Administrative Imperative
Faculty are tired. Burnout is escalating. Self-care is difficult. Here are five key ways administrators can help. Self-care has become the term du jour. Lately, researchers in a variety of disciplines have undertaken empirical works investigating self-care; peer-reviewed journal outlets have dedicated special issues to the topic. The revered New York Times recently released […]
Leading to Become Stronger on the Other Side of Adversity
In response to crisis, institutions necessarily shift operations to immediate-term problem-solving with incident management approaches. We identify risk(s) and implement plans to mitigate the disruption of the pressing crisis with fast-paced decision-making. This approach is effective and indeed may be essential for short-term health and safety measures, but can actions taken during a crisis also […]
Potential Positive Legacies of the Global Pandemic
On the surface, it is easy to focus on the constraints, pitfalls and financial burdens Higher education has faced since the onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic. As dean and chief academic officer at a liberal arts institution, I have found the fast-changing, ever-shifting landscape overwhelming. However, now that we just passed the one-year mark […]