Welcome to ACAD’s new electronic newsletter, The ACAD Leader. I hope you will enjoy reviewing our first edition, which will be updated every six months. As part of our mission to support academic leaders in the work we do, it is our hope that The ACAD Leader will bring you timely information and practical tips related to current trends in higher education, working with faculty and students, the ideals of liberal education, and other scholarly activities occurring on our campuses.
This newsletter is the culmination of feedback from our membership and discussions amongst the board. Board members volunteer their time twice a year to attend meetings, and they interact with the members of ACAD at our annual business meeting which takes place every January at the AAC&U conference. During these meetings we discuss our mission, vision and strategic plan; the services we provide; and new ways to provide value added services to associate and assistant deans, deans, provosts, vice presidents, and other academic leaders. As a result, The ACAD Leader is another resource available to you and will be maintained by our board and member volunteers with submissions from our membership at large.
Please take a moment to review the newsletter and send us your feedback or make a submission. As we adapt to the quick paced changes taking place around us, I encourage you, as an academic leader, to stay informed and share your expertise with our membership via The ACAD Leader.